
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Sree Buddha-The first Arayar in the World.

ജൈന-ബുദ്ധ മതാനുയായികളായ കലച്ചൂരി/കളഭ്ര രാജാക്കന്മാരുടെ പിന്മുറക്കാരാണ്, അരയര്‍.
അരയര്‍ ഒരു ജാതിപ്പേര്‍ ആയിരുന്നില്ല.
പുരാതത ഇന്ത്യയില്‍ നിലനിന്ന ഏറ്റവും പഴയ മതമാണ്‌ ജൈനമതം. ജൈന മതപ്രകാരം, കോപം, ആര്‍ത്തി, അത്യാസക്തി, അഹന്ത  എന്നീ നാല് ആന്തരിക ശത്രുക്കളെ പരാജയപ്പെടുത്തി മോക്ഷപ്രാപ്തനാകുന്ന സന്യാസികളെ “അരിഹന്ത്” എന്ന് വിളിക്കുന്നു. ഇപ്രകാരം അരിഹന്ത് ആയ വ്യക്തികളാണ് ജൈന മതത്തിലെ ദൈവ പുരുഷന്മാര്‍ എന്ന് അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന 24 തീര്‍ത്ഥങ്കരര്‍. ആദിനാഥന്‍ ആദ്യത്തെതീര്‍ത്ഥങ്കരരും, മഹാവീര്‍ ഒടുവിലത്തെ തീര്‍ത്ഥങ്കരരും ആണ്. ജൈന മതത്തിലെ അരിഹന്ത്, (പാലിഭാഷ)ബുദ്ധമതത്തിലെ, അരയര്‍, അരയ്യര്‍, അരിയര്‍,(തമിഴ്) ആര്യര്‍, ആര്യ (സംസ്കൃതം) എന്നീ പദങ്ങള്‍ സമാന ഗണത്തിലുള്ളവയാണ്. ബുദ്ധനെ പുരാതന തമിഴ് കൃതികളില്‍ “അരയര്‍” എന്നാണ് അഭിസംബോധന ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നത്.
ബുദ്ധമതസ്ഥാപകനും , ഗുരുവും ആയ ഭഗവാന്‍  ഗൗതമ ബുദ്ധന്‍ (563-483 BC) ശാക്യ ഗോത്രത്തിലാണ് പിറന്നത്‌. ഗരുഡപുരാണം ( അനുസരിച്ച് രാമനും, കൃഷ്ണനും ശേഷം ബുദ്ധന്‍, വിഷ്ണുവിന്റെ ഒന്‍പതാമത്തെ അവതാരം ആയാണ് പറയപ്പെടുന്നത്‌. ബുദ്ധന്റെ പിതാവ് സുദ്ധോദന സൂര്യവംശത്തിലെ ശാക്യ ഗോത്ര വംശജനാണ്.
ശാക്യ ഗോത്രത്തിന്റെ ഉത്ഭവം വിഷ്ണുപുരാണത്തിലും, ശ്രീമദ് ഭാഗവതത്തിലും, ബ്രഹ്മപുരാണത്തിലും പറയുന്നുണ്ട്. ശാക്യഗോത്ര വംശജര്‍ “ശാക്യഗണരാജ്യ” എന്ന പേരില്‍ ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര നാട്ടുരാജ്യം തന്നെ രൂപീകരിച്ചിരുന്നു. പുരാതന ഇന്ത്യയിലെ കപിലവസ്തു ആയിരുന്നു അതിന്റെ തലസ്ഥാനം.
സുര്യവംശം(Solar Dynasty) എന്ന് പൊതുവായി അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന ഇക്ഷ്വാകു സാമ്രാജ്യത്തിലെ ഒരു ഗോത്രമാണ്, ശാക്യ. ഭഗീരഥ, രഘു, ദശരഥന്‍, രാമന്‍. എന്നിവര്‍,  ഇക്ഷ്വാകു സാമ്രാജ്യത്തിലെ പ്രശസ്തരായ രാജാക്കന്മാരാണ്‌. രഘുവിന് ശേഷം, രഘുവംശം എന്ന പേരില്‍ ഈ രാജവംശം അറിയപ്പെട്ടു. മറ്റു അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന രാജാക്കന്മാര്‍, സത്യവൃത, ഹരിശ്ചന്ദ്ര, ദിലീപ, സാഗര, പ്രസേനജിത്ത് എന്നിവരാണ്. ബുദ്ധ മത ഗ്രന്ഥമായ “മഹാസമ്മത”പ്രകാരം, ഇക്ഷ്വാകു ആണ് ഇക്ഷ്വാകു സാമ്രാജ്യം സ്ഥാപിച്ചത് എന്ന് പറയുന്നു. ജൈന സാഹിത്യത്തിലും ഇക്ഷ്വാകു സാമ്രാജ്യം 24 തീര്‍ത്ഥങ്കരര്‍ ഉള്‍പ്പെടുന്നതായി പറയുന്നു.
പുരാണപ്രകാരം, വസിഷ്ഠ മഹര്‍ഷിയാണ് ഇക്ഷ്വാകു സാമ്രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ സര്‍വ്വസ്വവും. ഇക്ഷ്വാകു സാമ്രാജ്യത്തില്‍ നിന്നാണ് ശാക്യഗോത്രം രൂപം കൊള്ളുന്നത്‌. ശാക്യ ഗോത്രത്തില്‍ നിന്നും മൗര്യ സാമ്രാജ്യവും രൂപം കൊണ്ടു. ചന്ദ്രഗുപ്ത മൗര്യരാജാവും അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ പിന്‍ഗാമികളും കോളിവംശത്തില്‍ ഉള്‍പ്പെടുന്നു. ഏറ്റവും പുരാതന പ്രപഞ്ചഭരണാധികാരി എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നതും, മോഹന്‍ ജോ ദാരോയിലെ ശിലാ ലിഖിതങ്ങളില്‍ എഴുതപ്പെട്ട ചരിത്രത്തിലെ നായകനുമായ, മന്ധതമഹാരാജനും,  രാമായണം രചിച്ച വാല്മീകി മഹര്‍ഷിയും കോളി വംശജരാണ്‌. കോളി വംശത്തിലെ സുന്ദരിയായ മഹാമായ എന്ന രാജകുമാരിയെയാണ് സുദ്ധോദന രാജാവ് വിവാഹം കഴിച്ചത്. ഇവരുടെ പുത്രനാണ് ശാക്യമുനി എന്നും, ശ്രീ ബുദ്ധന്‍ എന്നും അറിയപ്പെട്ട സിദ്ധാര്‍ത്ഥ രാജകുമാരന്‍. സിദ്ധാര്‍ത്ഥ രാജകുമാരന്റെ മുറപെണ്ണും,സഹധര്‍മ്മിണിയുമായ യശോധരയും കോളി വംശജയാണ്.

ജൈനമതക്കാരായ ഉത്തരേന്ത്യന്‍ കലച്ചൂരികള്‍ സന്യാസികളും, പോരാളികളുമായ ജനസമൂഹമായിരുന്നു. കലച്ചൂരികള്‍, ദക്ഷിണേന്ത്യയില്‍ കളഭ്ര രാജാക്കന്മാര്‍ അഥവാ കാളീ അരശര്‍ എന്നാണ് അറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്. കലച്ചൂരി/കളഭ്ര രാജാക്കന്മാരുടെ മറ്റൊരു ഉപജാതിയാണ് കോളിവംശം. കലച്ചുരി/കളഭ്ര രാജാക്കന്മാര്‍ ആന്ധ്രാപ്രദേശില്‍ മുദ്ധിരാജ എന്നും, തമിഴ്നാട്ടില്‍ മുത്തുരാജ/മുത്തരയര്‍ എന്നും അറിയപ്പെടുന്നു. തമിഴ്നാട്ടിലെ രാമേശ്വരത്ത് സ്ഥിരതാമസമാക്കിയ ഈ രാജാക്കന്മാര്‍ അവിടങ്ങളില്‍  മുന്‍പ് ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന രാജാക്കന്മാരെ യുദ്ധത്തില്‍ പരാജയപ്പെടുത്തി, ജൈന/ബുദ്ധ മതത്തില്‍ അധിഷ്ട്ടിതമായ സ്വന്തം സാമ്രാജ്യങ്ങള്‍ സ്ഥാപിക്കുകയും, അവിടുങ്ങളിലെ ബ്രാഹ്മണ ജനതയുമായി ഇടകലര്‍ന്നു വിവാഹബന്ധങ്ങളില്‍ ഏര്‍പ്പെടുകയും ചെയ്തു. കളഭ്ര രാജാക്കന്മാരുടെ പിന്‍ഗാമികള്‍ ആയ ചോള സാമ്രാജ്യത്തിലെ പ്രശസ്തനായ കരികാല ചോള മഹാരാജാവിന്റെ ചെറുമകന്‍ ഇളന്തരയന്‍ ആണ് പല്ലവ സാമ്രാജ്യം സ്ഥാപിച്ചത്. പല്ലവന്മാരുടെ പിന്‍ഗാമികളാണ്, മുത്തുരാജ/മുത്തരയ രാജാക്കന്മാര്‍., ചോള രാജാക്കന്മാരുടെ ചേര രാജ്യത്തെ ഒരു ശാഖ 'പഴുവെട്ടരയര്‍"' എന്നും, പല്ലവന്മാരുടെ പിന്‍ഗാമികള്‍ 'പല്ലവരയര്‍"' എന്നും അറിയപ്പെട്ടു.  മൂവേന്തന്മാര്‍ എന്നറിയപ്പെട്ട ചോള/ചേര/പാണ്ട്യ രാജാക്കന്മാര്‍ എല്ലാവരും കലച്ചൂരി/കളഭ്ര രാജാക്കന്മാരുടെ പിന്മുറക്കാരാണ്. ഈ രാജകുടുംബങ്ങള്‍ പരസ്പരം വിവാഹ ബന്ധങ്ങളില്‍ ഏര്‍പ്പെട്ടിരുന്നു.  തമിഴ്നാട്ടില്‍ ഏറ്റവും ആദ്യം മഹാക്ഷേത്രങ്ങളും,കോട്ടകളും പണികഴിപ്പിച്ചത്  മുത്തരയ രാജാക്കന്മാരാണ്. 

Saturday 6 July 2013


What is the Arayar sevai?

The Arayar sevai is the unique upachara or offering to Vishnu made in three Vaishanava temples in Tamilnadu. Srirangam, Azhvar thirunagar and Sri villiputhur and in the Melkote Thiru Narayana temple in Karnataka, performed by a specific family who hold the hereditary rights to this offering. The Arayar through music and hand gestures expounds the meaning of the Tamil verses composed on Vishnu by the 12 Alwars-saints (who lived in various periods between the 7-8 centuries.) that are found in the Divya prabandham. In addition to this the Arayars also perform two other worship services that have a combination of music and drama called the” Muthukuri sevai” and the “Pallupattu.”
The performance is today done only by one family in Srirangam and two families each in Azhvar thirunagari and Sri villiputhur. In Melkote the Arayar only sings the verses in the ancient panns (equivalents of the Ragams). In this paper, we will examine briefly the history of the Arayar sevai its different forms with specific reference to the Azhvar thiru nagar temple.
The performance is called Arayar Sevai and the performer who is called an Arayar. There are several explanations for the word; two of the more popular ones are-
Arayar means king and since the Arayar is a master of the verses of the Alwars in the Divya Prabandham and is able to demonstrate their meanings through music and dance to the general public. He is called an Arayar of the Dya Prabandham.
‘To tell’, is also a meaning for Aria and the Arayar who tells of the songs in the Divya Prabandham becomes an Arayar.
The worship (Sevai) offered by the Arayar is there for known as Arayar Sevai and this also referred to as “Kondattam” or celebration of the greatness of Vishnu by the Arayar.
In texts, common parlance and inscriptions Arayars are known by other names as well,
Vinnappam Cheyvar – they speak directly and only to the lord and make their requests only to him.
Nampaduvan- the sing the praises of our lord Nam (Perumal)
Isai ariyum Peruman – Referring to their ability to sing the Prabandham.
Thambiranmar – Roots word are probably than-piran-mar meaning those who belong to the lord and indicative of the Arayar becoming an Azhvar himself when performing the Arayar sevai.
The Arayar is always a male and has to follow a specific dress code and perform a vow before each performance.
The origin of the Arayar Sevai.

In the 10 the century, in a village called Kattumannar Koil (Viranarayanapuram) there lived a person called Nathamuni who was the son of Sri eswara Bhattar. The period he lived in is still not fully agreed up on but, scholars put it at around ACE 825-918.
One day Nathamuni heard a group of pilgrims sing a song of 11 verses on the Sarangapani deity in Kumbakonam. The last word said,
“Sweeter than the melody of the finest flute”.
 This decade from a thousand are by Kurugur’s sadagopan.
His refugees are in the feet of Krishna, 
The lord who sucked the breasts of the ogress.
Recite them to be loved by all those around you.
Thiruvaimozhi 5.8.11.
Entranced by the verse, Nathamuni asks for the rests of the thousand. The pilgrims direct him to Kurugur since the poet is Sadagopan from Kurugur.  When he goes to Thirukurugur, no one seems to know any other verses. He meets a disciple of Madhurakavi who teaches him “Kanninum Sirittaambu”, a song on Sadagopan by Madhurakavi. “Recite this under the same tamerind tree 12000 times, he is told, he does so and receives not only the song he wanted but many others, he compiled them in the 4000 Divya Prabandham and set them to tune and instituted the Arayar sevai.
The 4000 thousand verses are composed by twelve saints who lived between 5 th and 8 th centuries and sung in praise of Vishnu are known as the Azhvars. The verses are revered by Vaishnavites and continue to be recited in temples. They are known as the Tamil Vedas.
The collection consists of four parts of thousand songs each they are,
1.       Mudal Aayiram or first thousand contains 947 songs. It includes
A)Periyaazhvar thirumozhi (473 songs)of periyaazhvar, including Thiru Pallaand.   

B) Thiruppaavai by Andal (30 songs).
c) Naachiyaar Thirumozhi by Andaal (143 songs)
D) Perumaai Thirumozhi by Kulasekhara Azhvar (105 songs)
E) Thiruchanda Virutham by Tirumazhisai Azhvar (120 songa)
F) Tirumaalai by thondaarady Podiazhvar (45 songs).
G) Tiruppalli Ezhuchi by Thondarady Podiazhvar (10 songs)
H) Amalaanathi Piran by Thirupaanazhvar (10 songs)
I) Kanninun siru thaambu by Madhurakavi Azhvar (11 songs)
         2.  Periya Tirumozhi or greater hymns contains 1134 songs. All sung by Tirumangai Azhvar.
                A) Periya Tirumozhi (1084 songs)
B) Thiru kuraan Thaandagam. (20 songs)
 C) Thiru Nedun Thaandagam (30 songs)
3. Thiruvaimozhi by Nammazhwar  (it contains 1102 songs)
4. Iyarpa is the last division in the Divya Prabandham and contains the following
a. Mudal Thiruvandaadhi by Pongai Azhwar (100 songs)
b. Irandaam Thiruvandhaadhi by Bhootath Azhwar (100 songs)
c. Moondraam Thiruvandaadhi by Pey Azhwar (100 songs)
d. Naanmugan Thiruvandaadhi by Thirumazhisai Azhwar (96 songs)
e. Thiru virutham By Nammazhwar (100 songs)
f. Thiru vaasinyam by Nammazhwar (7 songs)
g. Peria Thiru Andaathi  by Nammazhwar (87 songs)
h. Thiruvezukootriru kkai by Thirumangai Azhwar (1 song)
i. Siriya Thirumadal by Thirumangai Azhwar (40 songs)
j. Peria Thirumadal by Thirumangai Azhwar (78 songs)
5. Ramanuja Nootranthaati ( 108 songs) of Amudhanar and it was added to the text compiled by Nathamuni neither is it own Vishnu nor is it by an Azhwar.
Many of these song sing the praises of Lord Vishnu enshrined in various places all over india and Nepal and even the two states of being in heaven. The places referred to are revered as the holy as the “108 Divya Desham.”
Madhurakavi Azhvar is an exception because though he sang only of Nammazhwar but, he too is counted as an Azhwar. Given his devotion for Nammazhwar, no verse by Nammazhwar may be recited without reciting 11 composed by Madhurakavi.
Today they are recited by devotees sitting facing each other in all Vishnu temples. It is only in the three temples in Tamilnadu that they are also sung and danced by the Arayars.
Nathamuni classified the Divyaprabandham in to Iyarpa which was meant to be chanted and Isaippa which was suitable for singing with his nephews Keelai Ahatthu Aazhwan and Melai Ahatthu Aazhwan. Swami Nathamunigal set the Paasurams of Isaippa to tune (pan) and trained his nephews to sing and worship the Prabandhams in front of the Lord at Srirangam. In doing so his intension was to captivate the general public to understand the verses of the Azhwar through music and dance. Nathamuni composed himself two slokas on Nammazhvar and these are recited as a part of the Thaniyan for Nammazhwar’s thiruvaimozhi. Inscriptions in temples and commentaries on the Divya Prabandhams tell us of the Arayar sevai being performed in Kanchi, Thirumaliruncholai also called Azhagar Koil. Triplicane, Thirupathi, Thirukurungudi, Thirukkannapuram and Thiruvananthapuram. None of these temples have Arayars today. In most of these places even old timers cannot recall Arayars in the temple.
An interesting mention on the origin of the Arayar sevai is mentioned in the temples records of Srirangam called the “Kovil Ozhugu”. Here it is mentioned that Thirumangai Azhwar sung and danced his Thirunedunthandakam in front of the Utsav deity of Srirangam and also caused for according the Thiruvaimozhi status on par with the Vedas. The record go on to say that in the Margazhi month, the deity of Nammazhwar was taken from Azhwar Thirunagari was taken to Srirangam. The Thiruvaimozhi verses performed and the deity brought back. We are not sure as to when this practice was stopped.
Two branches of Vaishnavites.

Temples where Arayars perform today in Tamilnadu are administrated by those who belong to the Thenkalai sunsects of Vaishnavites.
The origin of the two sub sects – Vadakalai and Thenkalai is a post 10 th century phenomenon since, these differences are not heard of in saint’s Ramanuja’s times. They are called Vadakalai (Northern) and Thenkalai (Southern) though in reality there is no geographical polarization to justify their nomenclature. They probably emerged in the time sree Vedanta desika whose contemporary was Pillai Lokacharya.
The two key differences between sub sects are that the Vadakalai’s (Who wear the Thiruman as “U”) give equal importance to Perumal and Lakshmi while the Thenkalai’s (who wear the Thiruman somewhat similar to a “Y”) regard Lakshmi as the prime devotee.
The more basic difference is in terms of the attainment of God. Vadakalai tenets say that our relationship to God must be like that of a baby monkey to its mother. The little monkey constantly clings to the mothe, similarly we need to constantly –through a teacher - work towards realization of the supreme and do this through the rituals of “Saranagathi/ Prapathi. Thenkalai tenets compare our relationship with God to that of a kitten and a cat. The kitten is – without much effort on its part, taken by its neck and deposited in a safe place by the cat, similarly they believe by leading a pious life and hope that by attending to the temple rituals and paying allegiance to the pontiff salvation will occur.
In practice, both sub sects have fairly similar rituals in the temples and elsewhere but in the temples. Vadakalai’s tend to give prime importance to Sanskrit texts and Thenkalai’s to Tamil texts. As an extension, generally Vadakalai’s tend to have a greater focus on greater focus on vedic rituals than the Thenkalai’s. Both venerate Ramanuja. The preceptor of Vadakalai’s is Vedanta Desika and for Thenkalai’s it is Manavala Mamunikal and Pillai Lokacharya.
In the 17th and 18th century, the sub sects were often in violent disagreement with each other. Fortunately today this is less and both sects have at least learnt to be more appreciative of each other in the future and work towards the common cause of Vaishanavism and Hinduism.
The Arayar sevai.

Being a unique performance for the Lord through music, gestures (Abhinaya) and explanations, the Arayar sevai is more than just a music dance performance. The Arayar both through gestures, and afterwards through words, explains the verses in Manipravalam, a combination of Tamil and Sanskrit words. Arayars therefore need not only knowledge of music and dance but a deep understanding of Vaishnavite philosophy they also need to know the verses of Divya Prabandham and their meaning (both literal and metaphonical) by heart since no recourse may be made to actual texts while the Arayar sevai happens.
The Arayar sevai is an intense form of worship. The Arayar before the performance fasts maintains a vow of silence and deep contemplation of the Lord. Before the performance his ritual attire is unique. He wears a conical crown that has the marks of the Thenkalai’s sub sect of Vaishnavites. Since all Arayars belong to this sect.  The cap signifies eternal bliss for when the Arayar performs he ceases to exist as an individual and instead becomes the Azhwar whose Paasurams he performs. The Karnapatras on either side of kireedam cover his ears and therefore muffle other distracting noises. It is significant to note that only the Arayar during the Arayar sevai is allowed to wear head gear within the temple precincts.
The Arayar also wear a long garland that was worn by the deity and has a Parivattam, an upper garment worn by the deity tied around his head. All these acknowledge the blessing and honor given to him by the deity in his hands he has the cymbals or Kulitalai or Thalam. They are used to keep the beat and their sharp tone assist in focusing attention.
The Arayar sevai is always done inside the temple precincts and in front of the Utsava deity and never in the main deity in the Garbhagriha. However before or after every Arayar sevai , the Arayar reports the same to the main deity in the sanctum.
The Arayar sevai commences with the Arulappattu (Issuance of the gracious commandment by the Lord to the Arayar) through the priest. The Arayar comes forward saying “Aaindhen, Aaindhen”
He then dons his headgear and accepts the Parivattam and Garland from the priest and begins using the Thalam. The Thalam of Nathamuni who created this practice is said to be in Azhwar Thirunagari. He then takes a suitable position a few feet in front of the main deity and begins. Significantly, the Arayar is not required to commence his rendition of the Paasurams after the customary recitation of the Thanians. The tapping of the floor with his right foot and the use of the Thalam consecutively three times signifies the closure of one line/unit respectively. Thanians are short verses preceding the Divya Prabandham verses that pay homage to the Azhwar and other Vaishnavite Acharyas.
Occasion of performance.

The Arayar Sevai is performing during the Pagal pathu Rapathu festival in the three temples. This festival falls in Margazhi. This period falls within the Anadhyayana kaalam or a time when except for the Thiruppavai of Andal no other Divya Prabandham can be recited called the Thiru Adhyayana utsavam. On certain other festival occasions, there is in Srivilliputhur alone, an Arayar sevai Kaiseka Ekadasi is another occasion for the Arayar sevai to be performed.
The Arayar sevai consists of the following:
Kondattam are short phrases extolling the greatness of Azhwars’s experience of Perumal and Thayar. They are usually followed by a simple song.
During the Pagal pathu period, the utsava deity is beautifully decorated and the Arayar sevai happens in front of the deity. Depending on the particular day the Arayar will take up a select set of Pasuraams sing them along with the rhythm using the Thalam and perform Abhinayam to convey the import of the Pasuraams with hand gestures, steps using their legs and body/facial gestures. These gestures are not elaborate as seen in the natyam, traditions but, subdued and used sparingly. Also the Arayar may walk a few steps in front or back or sideways.
The explanations of the Paasurams is done with a commentary called the Vyakhyanam. A certain pattern is followed in the choice of Paasurams at Srirangam, Srivilliputhur and Azhwar thirunagari corresponding to the local history and tradition of the temple.
Typically only the first and last verses of the Paasurams are performed but, in that the Arayar brings out the entire import of the song. Some of Nammazhwar’s verses are written as if Nammazhwar is the Nayika pining for her Lord. These are couched in metaphor that the Arayar explains in graceful gestures.
The Rapathu Utsavam happens for 12 days immediately after the Pagalpathu Utsavam and this happens after dusk. Here verses by other Azhwars are chosen.
The dramatization of certain episodes with appropriate Abhinayam is done on selected days at Srirangam, Srivilliputhur and Azhwar thirunagari during the Adyayana utsava. The slaying of Kamsa, the Vamana Avatharam, the churning of the milky ocean and the birth of Sri Andal are enacted on special days.
The Muthukuri sevai.

The Muthukuri sevai is the prediction of future/ good fortune is made by Kattuvaci (soothsayer) to the lovelorn lady (Nayaki) with the help of pearls(Muthu).
Here Arayar sings certain Paasurams and performs Abhinayam simultaneously taking the roll of Nayaki, her mother and the soothsayer. This is performed on the 9th day of Pagalpathu at Srirangam, 10th day at Azhwar thirunagari and on 3 occasions at Srivilliputtur.
Before the actual performance of the Muthukuri, the Arayar enacts the Paasurams that talk of the story of how the ocean was churned by the Devas and Asuras for Amrita. This lasts for about an hour and then begins Mutukuri sevai.
Thirumangai Azhwar’s Thirunetunthantakam in this, most verses talk of the Nayakas mother lamenting on the condition of her daughter, who is consumed with a passion for her Lord. The mother calls the Kurathi to predict when her daughter will get over this. The Arayar plays the role of the mother, the daughter and the Kurathi. When the Arayar plays the role of the mother, the garment held in his hand with a knot at the top symbolizes the daughter.
The mother asks the Kurathi, who has caused her daughter this pain and what medicine must be used. She complains that her daughter talks to her pet birds, dreams for someone and cries for no reason. She then calls the Kurathi who first introduces herself and talks of the different lands she has been to.
The Kurathi quickly diagnosis that the Nayika is suffering from the pangs of being separated from her Nayaka, the Lord of Srirangam. She then performs the actual soothsaying called “ kudal ezhaithal”, here rice is spread out on a large platter and the Kurathi draws concentric circles, all the while saying, the names of the Lord in different temples and referring to the Nayika as Ranganayika Nachiar. Each sentence ends with Kuden (will join) and Kudilen (will not join). The Arayar then, to indicate the mother taking her daughter to Srirangam, paces the long Mandapam (in Srirangam, the Arayar does it standing in the same place) and goes closer to the Utsava deity.
Here the Arayar takes on the role of the girl’s mother and complains to the Lord of what he has done to her daughter and asks the Lord for a solution. The Arayar then recites a Paasurams from Periazhwar’s Thirumozhi were the Azhwar takes the role of the mother who comments on her daughter having been taken by the Lord. We thus understand that the Muthukuri sevai ends with the Lord having taken the Nayika. The entire performance with the initial praise of the Lord during the churning of the ocean takes around 3 hours.
Pallu pattu.
The Pallu pattu is sung on the Gajendramoksham festival (Thiruvural Thirunal) and when the Utsava deity is taken back- to the sanctum at the end of each day in Pagal and Rapathu. The symbolism here is the Lord going to the core of the temple and therefore attaining his complete greatness. The Pallu pattu also sung when the feet of the Utsavar is placed on the head of the processional image of Nammazhwar as a representation of Nammazhwar receiving the devine blessings.
When these songs are sung the Arayar uses an Mridangam accompaniment (replaced the Parai an ancient percussion instrument) and only signs them. Significantly these are the only sons sung by the Arayar which are not composed by the Azhwars. There are 13 songs and all of them are in simple Tamil. Some are of the heroine pining away for the Lord and others describe the beauty and greatness of Vishnu. They are only sung and no commentaries are given nor are they danced to when some of these songs are used in the Vyakhyanam. Then they may be accompanied by Abhinayam.
There are legends of how an Arayar who stayed with a lower caste community learned/ sang these songs. Desiring his return to the temple, Lord Vishnu himself is said to have appreciated this song and got them included. We how ever have no clear evidence of how this non-Brahmanical form of singing became included in to the temple ritual.
The Pallu pattu in this context is not related to the Pallu genre of Tamil Poetry.
Pranaya kalakham.
This happens on – it is the staging of a mock quarrel between the Vishnu and Lakshmi where the latter accuses the former of infidelity. How the Arayar intercedes, enlists the support of Nammazhwar and re unites the devine couple is the story.
In doing this, the Arayar intercedes on behalf of the Perumal and singing and performing the different verses of the 4000 Divya Prabandham. The Arayar creates a conversation between Vishnu and Lakshmi, where the latter is suspicious of where the former has been all day and how the former protests his innocence.
It is only in Azhwar thirunagari that this happens in complete form. In Srirangam this happens without the conversations, the Abhinaya and the pacing of the feet by the Arayar.
Padi yetham.
When the processional deity returns to the sanctum, as the deity ascends the steps, the Arayar walks backwards while facing the deity and sings verses. This is done for all processions for Azhwar and for those of Polindu Ninra Piran where he is in procession without the Thayar deities. The custom here is of welcoming back the Lord.
Pradeep Chakravarthy.
Venkat raman’s Arayarsevai, Tamizh puthagalayam, Madras, 1985.
Bharati, Srirama, “Arayarsevai” – theatre expressions in Sri vaishnavism” , Bhavans foundations, Mumbai.1995.
Ayyangar, Ramaswamy, “Vakula Bharana Satagopar”, Sundram Charities, Madras, 1976.
Resource persons:
Sri Appu Sadagopan, Azhwar thirunagari.
Sri Sreenivasa Arayar, Azhwar thirunagari, Madurai.

Dr, V.V.Srivatsa.

Friday 21 June 2013

Arayar the descendants of Nathamuni.

Monuments crumble, manuscripts get moth eaten and traditional fine arts practised for centuries in temples are being forgotten because of long years of neglect. No wonder that the Arayer Sevai, a visual enactment of the passionate expression by Vaishnavite saints which were an integral part of Vishnu worship 1000 years ago, is not confined to a handful of practitioners who themselves are on the threshold of fading away.
Who were the arayers? What makes this dramatic form so unusual in the landscape of Indian performance, ritual, religion and theology? The word arayer itself means king. In Tamil, there are two ways to pronounce the letter 'r'. Said without stress like 'arayer' it means king and with stress like 'rr' it means 'speaker' or 'narrator'. In both cases the word fits these temple servants who dedicated their lives towards the worship and glory of Lord Vishnu through song, dance and drama. Vaishnavite temples were the crucibles of the three branches of learning 'iyal' (literature), 'isai' (music) and 'natakam' (drama). Arayer Sevai which means 'the service or offering of the royal priests' falls under the category of drama.

The main text for these priestly actors was an impressive volume of verses called the 'Divya Prabandham.' The word means 'divine compilation.' The Prabandham was the cumulative result of 12 saint-poets who lived between the 6th and 9th centuries in Tamil country. These saint-poets were called 'alwars'. The word 'alwar' means 'deepest of the deep'; one who is immersed in the devotion of Lord Vishnu/Narayana.
Between the 6th and 9th century, in the Tamil speaking region of South India, these devotees of Vishnu (also known as Tirumal, the dark one) changed and revitalized Hinduism. Along with their counterparts, the Nayanmars, who were devotees of Siva, these saint-poets wandered all over the Tamil countryside, inspiring and converting kings, brahmans, and peasants, affirming in poetry the holiness of hundreds of Tamil places dedicated to Vishnu and Siva. Their pilgrimages, their legends and their hymns, which they sang by the thousands literally mapped a sacred geography of the Tamil regions and fashioned a communal self-image that cut across class and caste. They composed the most important early Bhakti poetry in any Indian language. This is particularly significant when practitioners of dance, dance history and religious studies have a tendency to associate Bhakti/devotional poetry with the later poets like Jayadeva of the 12th century, Chaitanya in Bengal of the 15th century and Annamaya of the 14th century. Even Tulsidas, Kabir, Meera who are popular choices for dancers and singers came much later.

Through the poetry of the Prabandham, composed by these 12 Tamil alwars Hindu philosophy spoke for the first time in India, in a language other than Sanskrit. The imperial presence of Sanskrit with its brahminical texts like the Vedas and the Upanishads was the elitist presence against which Bhakti in Tamil defined itself. Also Sanskrit in India of the 6th century was not a people's language, it was not spoken as everyday tongue. Here was poetry, devotional poetry in a people's first language. The concept of bhakti or devotional poetry as we understand today arose, as suggested by scholars from the meshing of Sanskrit mythology and the Tamil conception of women and kings.
Almost one thousand years after all the 4000 verses of the Prabandham were composed, a devotee called Natamuni (10th century) gathered and ordered the compositions of the 12 alwars and arranged for their recitation. First he only knew of 10 poems and when he realised there were almost 4000, he travelled to the birthplace of Nammalwar (Alwartirunagari near Tirunelveli) and tried to retrieve them. Failing to do so, he meditated and received a vision of the poet Nammalwar himself who revealed all the 1102 verses to him.

Legend goes that he received all the 4000 verses in this way.
In order to make the poetry meaningful and alive to the general public, Natamuni arranged for them to be sung and danced on special occasions of Lord Vishnu, particularly in the month of Margazhi which is mid-December to mid-January and in Panguni Chitra which is mid-March to mid-April the end of which marks the Tamil New Year on 14th April.
Believing that the songs would live only if many could chant and watch the most special poems danced with gestures and movements, Natamuni is credited to have created a system of ritual performance called Arayer Sevai. The word Arayer literally means Lord or King. The Arayers of today are all direct descendants of Natamuni's family lineage and the practice is held with the male members of the family and not taught to the women. It is devoutly believed that the inspiration for the music and the dance came from Lord Vishnu himself and that it was He who ordained these arayers to perform this unique service for His pleasure.

The movement structure of Arayer Sevai is dependent on a regal stature, a stately walk and minute right hand and left hand gestures which weave a complex imagery. The end of every phrase or sentence is marked by a jerky flick of the hand. The feet stamp the ground and the legs are always held in a unique half seated stance.
The costume worn by the arayers consists of a cap which is a reproduction of the crown worn by Vishnu as the temple idol. The garland and the cymbals the arayers carry were all believed to have been given by Vishnu himself.
The arayers were exalted in the hierarchy of temples. They were as important and sometimes even more highly regarded than the priests themselves. Palm leaf manuscripts of temples like Srirangam and Srivilliputur, state that the arayers were given special treatment and medical care whenever they fell ill.

Today all Vishnu temples have the bronze images of the 12 alwars as important figures in their shrines but the art of 'arayer' exists only in four temples, three in Tamilnadu and one in Karnataka. Melkottai in Karnataka does not perform the movements and actions but only the recitation and chanting and commentary. The three temples in Tamilnadu are Srirangam, Alwar Tirunagari and Srivilliputtur.
The insistence on maintaining the purity of their tradition is not augmented with a desire to perfect the art of their ancestors rather than just going through the motions once or twice a year. They refuse to teach, allow audio or video recordings of their ritual and thus it will be but a matter of time when the practice which is already a mere shadow of its former self is completely lost. I was able to watch several hours of their performance since I was considered a direct Vaishnav descendent of one of the famous families of Thirukurungudi (the town of the famous arayer temple bell) and as such allowing me to watch or allowing me to learn some of their movements was not considered sacreligious to the high priest.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The royal Arayar.

ARAYAR, The Caste who makes the History of  Tamilnadu, The Imperial clan is one of the three castes which constitute the Mukkulathor confederacy. "a fearless community show many signs of independence and non-submission to any form of subjugation".There are Abundant records pertaining to this clan, where the Peoples ruled from unknown antiquity (Chola, Chera, Pandya.) . Arayars  are found largely in Thanjavur (40 % of Tanjavur Population), Trichy, Pudukkottai, Theni, Madurai, Dindigul, Sivagangai, Karur, kanchipuram, and Ramanathapuram districts of Tamil Nadu.


There are over 1000 surnames in use. There are no other Castes in Tamilnadu have this many Surnames. Some of the commonly used Surnames are.

Paluvettaraiyar, Malayaman, Adigaman, Thevar, Mannaiyar, Rajaliyar, Vallavaraiyar, Thanjaraayar, Pallavaraayar, Vandaiyar, Thondaiman, Etrandaar, Vaanavaraayar, Servai, Amballakkarar, Sethurayar, Soma Naicker, Muniyarayar(Munaiyatriyar), Thondamar, Mayrkondar, Kallathil Venrar, , Nattar (not Nadar), Cholagar, kumarandar, Anjathevar, Olivarayar, Sendapiriyar, Alathondamar, Ambalam, Aarsuthiyar, Kaadavaraayar, Kalingarayar, Vandaiyaar, Veeramundar, Sepillaiyar, Vallundar, Chozhangaraayar, Kandiyar, Mazhavaraayar, Kommatti Mootar, Kannakkarar, Irungular, Singilaar, Ponnapoondar, Pullavaraayar, Araimeendar, Vairayar, Ponpethiar, Gopalar, Kandapillai, Vayaadiyar, Vanniar, Vallambar, Alankara Priyar, mavaliyar, Keerudayar, Saaluvar, Manraayar, Onthiriyar, Serumadar, Vambaliar, Thenkondaar, Mankondaar, etc. 

 They are highly conservative and have preserved their customs and traditions to the present day. They are also believed to be the oldest inhabitants of the Tamil country with reports of their presence going back to Tamil literary works of the 4th century B.C. They are found mainly in the districts of Madurai, Dindigul and Theni.

During sangam

The kings (Araiyars), were ruling Thondai Nadu, There are Hundreds of records pertaining to this dynasty. Thondai in Tamil means Kilay or pirivu, Pallava in Sanskrit defines the same, so Pallavas or Thondaiman are considered as a offshoot of Cholas later become an Prominent rulers.

The kings (Araiyars) ruled Tirukkoyilur during Chola kingdom with the title Malayaman . They were in close relation with Cholas. Sangam literature mentions of Tirumudikari, a Malayaman chief who fought alongside Perunarkilli Chola to defeat Cheral Irumporai (Irumporai Cheras). Vastly, Cholas, Cheras and even Satavahanas controlled the destiny in times.

The kings were ruling Tagadur, present villupuram district, One of The Four kingdoms Mentioned in rock-edict of Ashoka. Adigaman Naduman Anji King of Tagadur is Mentioned  in rock-edict of Ashoka as Satyaputra Inscriptions found from Villuppuram Proves that stating Adigaman as Satyaputra Adhiyan Neduman Anji intha Pali.

Chola (சோழர்)

The Chola Dynasty (Tamil:
சோழர் குலம்) was a Tamil dynasty that ruled primarily in southern India until the 13th century the other two royal dynasties were Pandian and Chera. The meaning of chola Is unknown. Chera, chola and pandian are considered as Siblings.

The dynasty originated in the fertile valley of the Kaveri River. Karikala Chola was the most famous among the early Chola kings, while Aditya I, Parantaka I, Rajaraja Chola I, Rajendra Chola I, Rajadhiraja Chola, Virarajendra Chola, Kulothunga Chola and Kulothunga Chola III were notable emperors of the medieval Cholas.

Chera, Chola and Pandian are commonly called as Thevar to mean they are desendents of Lord Indra. But specially Cholas were called by many Surnames all these surnames (Mel kondar, Chozangar, Thevar etc.)

Lots of marriages takes place between cholas with Malavarayar, Malayaman, Paluvettaraiyar, Melkondar and Vallavaraiyar. They also belong to same community.

Pallavas (பல்லவர்)

The Pallava kingdom (Tamil: 
பல்லவர்) was an ancient South Indian tamil kingdom. Later they extended their rule to further south and established their capital at Kanchipuram around the 4th century CE. They rose in power during the reign of Mahendravarman I (571 – 630 CE) and Narasimhavarman I (630 – 668 CE) and dominated the Telugu and northern parts of Tamil region for about six hundred years until the end of the 9th century. The word Pallava means branch in Sanskrit. The word is rendered as Tondaiyar in Tamil language. The Pallava kings at several places are called Thondamans or Thondaiyarkon. The territory of the Pallavas was known as Tundaka Visaya or Tundaka Rashtra. The sancrit meaning of pallava is Kilay The tamil Thondai means the same, it proves that pallavas are desendents (Kilay or Pirivu) of chola.

Pathupattu, one of the sangam literatures, reads that the king Thondaiman Ilandirayan ruled this town around 2500 years ago. The pallavas are told as the descendents of Thondaiman Ilandirayan.

They were also called by surnames like sethurayar , pallavarayar , vandarayar, kadurayar,Vallavarayar,vanathirayar,kaliyarayar etc. . proves that Pallavar are Decendents of Chola.

Petty Kings

The Great empires which ruled Tamilnadu were Chera, Chola, Pandian and Pallava, but there were many petty kings and chieftains ruled tamilnadu under chera, chola, pandiya and pallava.

There are lot of records pertaining to this Petty dynasty. Some of the names are seen in Tamil copper-plate inscriptions also.

Most of the Mutharayar  surnames also derived from the place they ruled for example Thanjaiarayar (Means King Who ruled Thanjavur), 

Definition: Thanjai –Thanjavur and Arayar – Raja –King.

Malavarayar(மழவராயர்), Pallavarayar(பல்லவராயர்), Erraandar(ஏற்றாண்டார்)r, Arasandar(அரசாண்டார்), Thanjairayar(தஞ்சைராயர்),  Muniarayar, Vallavarayar (வல்லவரையர்)Muthurayar, Irunkolar, Brahmarayar, Kodumbalur Rayar, Chiratchiyar, Nattar, Devarayar, Vanathirayar.


The main occupation of Arayar was Warrior, most of their surnames derived from their victory and bravery shown in Battlefield.

Some Surnames are,
Poril Koluthiyar(
போரிற்கொளுத்தி), Kottai Meetar(கோட்டை மீட்டார்), Soma Naicker(சோமநாயக்கர்), Kalathil Vendrar (களத்தில் வென்றார்), Jeyam Kondar(ஜெயம் கொண்டார்), Kodi Kondar, Thanai Thalaivar(தானைத் தலைவர்), Valukkuvelyar, Vijayathevar, Veerakkotaiyar, Valkondar, Ulukkondar, Veerapuliyar, Senathipathi, Viruthurajabayangarar.

Tamil copper-plate inscriptions

The discovery of Indian copper plate inscriptions provided a relative abundance of new evidence for use in evolving a chronicle of India's elusive history.

During chola rule there were many small kings (Araiyar) were Ruling there Respective area under Chola.Some of the names are seen in Tamil copper-plate inscriptions was also mentioned in Ponniyin Selvan (Tamil historical novel written by Kalki Krishnamurthy.

Paluvettaraiyar (
Malayaman (
Vallavaraiyar (
Velar (
Thondaiman (

During Vijayanagar Empire

The downfall of the Mukkulathors occurred in 1345 with the fall of Vira Pandyan IV and the subsequent conquest of Madurai by the Delhi Sultanate. However, the southern territories of the Sultanate soon asserted their independence and the Mukkulathors recovered under the Vijayanagar Empire and later under the Nayak dynasty during whose period they served as Polygars or chieftains.

Ambalakarar is the most important Peoples. They were a warlike people who strongly resisted every British attempt to subjugate them. They are found in Madurai and Sivaganga districts. In these districts, each village is headed by an Ambalam (president of an assembly) and the Ambalam took upon themselves the power to adjudicate disputes that arose among the inhabitants in the "NADU", belonging to different castes. They used to hear complaints, hold inquiries and punish the offenders. They wielded considerable powers to intervene in any kind of transaction or transfer of property among the people. No land could be alienated from one man to another without the permission of the Ambalams. The sur-name "Ambalam"is given to them, because of their Administration in their Villages. So they are mostly called as "Ambalam".

Thenpandi Singam by M. Karunanidhi is a book about Ambalakarars and he was also Awarded "Raja Rajan Award" by Tamil University, Thanjavur for that book and it was also been taken as a serial in Sun TV, and music composed by Ilaiyaraaja.

Monday 3 June 2013


There exists two dynasties with the name of Kalachuri who had ruled the dynasties from the 10th-12th century AD, one ruling over areas in Central India (west Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan ) and were called Chedi or Haihaya (Heyheya) (northern branch) and the other southern Kalachuri who ruled over parts of Karnataka.
The Kalachuri kings were known as Kalachuris of Chedi or Chedis. They established their kingdom in Madhya Pradesh with their capital at Tripuri near Jablapur. The founder of this dynasty was Kokalla I. The Chedis had to face the rulers of Kannauj and Malwa, the Chalukyas and Rashtrakutas. They also had to defend their territory against the Palas and rulers of Kalinga. Gangeyadeva was one of the most important rulers of Kalachuri dynasty. He tried to make the Chedis the paramount power of Northern India. The Kalachuris of Dahala rose to be the greatest political power in India during the 11th century A.D. This was mainly due to the military genius of Gangadeva king.
Gangeyadeva issued coins of different metals, sizes, weights which were in Gold, Base Gold, Silver Gold, Silver, Silvery copper (Billon) and Copper. Perhaps an important factor contributing to his success was the factor that his kingdom escaped the devastating raids of Sultan Mahmud which affected most of the other great powers to its north and north-west. In the token of his great victory he assumed the proud title of Trikalingadhipati, ‘Lord of Trikalinga’. Gangeyadeva assumed the title of Vikramaditya. He died at the sacred city of Prayag (Allahabad). Probably he ascended the throne before 1019 A.D. and died about 1040 A.D.He was succeeded by his son Karandeva. He is said to have defeated a number of people in the south such as the Pallavas, Kungas, Muralas, Pandyas (South) and Kuntalas, (probably the Chalukya King), Somesvara I during A.D. 1048. He was more successful than his father not only in the south but also in the north-west. In 1072 A.D. he abdicated the throne in favor of his son Yasahkarna.The Kalachuris dynasty declined by 1181 AD.
Kalachuri Dynasty- The Kalachuris took the place of the Chalukyas of Kalyana in the early part of the twelfth century, had a relatively short but stormy rule. The period threw up two striking personalities: An energetic and adventurer who flouted the authority of his Chalukya master and achieved the Kalachuri independence - Bijjala. Another figure of eminence was Basaveshvara who marshaled a virile, revolutionary movement of religious and social reform, which goes by the name of Virasaiva Movement.
The Kalachuris, also known as the Haihayas, were an ancient people known from the Epics and Puranas from 249 or 250 A.D. Many Kalachuris were settled in different parts of Northern India. In the later half of 6th century A.D., they ruled over a powerful kingdom comprising Gujarat, northern Maharashtra, and some parts of Malwa. One of the founder of a principality is Sarayupara in the modern Gorakhpur District. The other, which soon became very powerful, ruled in Chedi country in Bundelkhand. The Kalachuris of Chedi also known as kings of Dahalas, had their capital at Tripur, represented by the modern village of Tewar, six miles to the west of Jubulpore.
Northern Kalachuri family ruled in central India with its base at the ancient city of Tripuri (Tewar); it originated in the 8th century, expanded significantly in the 11th century, and declined in the 12th–13th centuries.
Southern Kalachuri Kingdom (Kannada) (1130 - 1184) at their peak ruled parts of the Deccan extending over regions of present day northern Karnataka and parts of Maharashtra. Their rule was short and turbulent, yet very important from the socio-religious movement point of view. A new sect called the Lingayat or Virashaiva sect was founded during these times. A unique and purely native form of Kannada literature-poetry called the Vachanas was also born during this time. The writers of Vachanas were called Vachanakaras (poets).
The Southern Kalachuri kings minted coins with Kannada inscriptions on it. Gajasaradula type coins were mostly gold or copper. Some of the common ones were the seated goddess type along with the name of the issuer which is generally prefixed with Srimat and suffixed with Deva.
According to legends, Kalli meaning long moustache and Churi meaning Sharp knife. Kalanjarapuravaradhisvara- is Lord of Kalanjara. Mount Kalanjara is in north central India, east of the Indus Valley floodplain. This name Haihaya is supposed to be derived from haya (a horse). Other theories also support the source of their dynastic name. They were also referred to as Katachuris (shape of a sharp knife). A prince of the lunar race, and great-grandson of Yadu. A race or tribe of people to whom a Scythian origin has been ascribed. The Vishnu Purana represents them as descendants of Haihaya of the Yadu race, but they are generally associated with borderers and outlying tribes. In the Vayu and other Puranas, five great divisions of the tribe are named as Talajanghas..

Sunday 2 June 2013



Koli Maharajas before the independence of India - the memoranda of the Indian state of Rajput rulers Koli clan based on 1936 List: -

Sr. No. , Name of the ruling place , Name of the ruling class Koli

1. Jawahar - Shrimant Yashwantrao Vikramshahaji Mukne Koli Maharaja
(20 Maharajas of Royal Mukne koli Family, From 1343 up till now)
2. Katosan - Thakur Keshri singh Makwana Koli
3. Ambil aara - Thakur Jalim singh Khant koli
4. Thodasar - Thakur Fatah singh Dabhi koli
5. Athamma - Thakur Suraj singh Baria koli
6. Khadal - Thakur Fateh Singh Makwana koli
7. Dhaama Thakur Mohan Singh Makwana koli
8. Illol - Thakur Shiv singh Makwana koli
9.Punavra - Thakur Abha singh Makwana koli
10.Gaabar - Thakur Roop singh Makwana koli
11. Raamaas - Thakur Man Singh Makwana koli
12. Bhalusara - Thakur Ratan singh koli
13. Satlasna - Thakur Bhupat singh koli
14. Tajpuri - Thakur Mohbbat singh Makwana koli
15. Timba - Thakur Sardar singh koli
16. Umari - Thakur Jaswant Singh Chauhan koli
17. Batkapur - Thakur Baaje singh Makwana koli
18. Hadol - Thakur Jawan singh Thakor koli
19. Hapa - Thakur Himmat singh Makwana koli
20. Kadoli - Thakur Kuver singh Makwana koli
21. Kondanna- Nag Naik koli
22. Mahabaleshwar - Tanaji Rao Malusare koli
23. Dehradun - Kolya Negi koli Raja
24. Pauri Garhwal - Bhaadwa Singh koli
(Numbers of forts of koli Rajas in pauri Garhwal)
25. South India(Nutshell) - Mudirajas, Tuluva Mudiraj Bunts (Krishnadevaraya family)
,Muthurajas, Mudiraj Bunts , Bedar Valmiki Nayakas,
Cholas, Vellalars, Mutharaiyars,araiyars, Ganagaputra Koliyas.
(Whole south india having numerous forts and Koli Rajas).

Note: - Sub caste of Koli Kshatriya in india : -
1. Mukne, 2. Malusare, 3. Dabhi 4. Parmar, 5. Solanki, 6. Vaghela 7. Makwana, 8. Thakor 9. Baria, 10. 11. Rathod, 12. Chauhan 13.Gohil 14. Khant, 15. Wagdiya, 16. Verma, 17. Divecha, 18. Negi, 19. Patel, 20. Bisht , 21. Shakya, kori , 22. Rawat 23. Mahawar 24. Mahaur 25. Sankhwar 26. Bunkar 27. Kashyap 28. Bhuiyar 29. Kabirpanthi 30. Tantuvay 31. Mahadeo 32. Koli Rajput 33. Mudiraj 34. Muthuraja 35. Arayar 36. Gangaputra 37. Bedar Valmiki Nayaka 38. Valaiyar 39. Vellalar 40. Mudliar
42. Chola 43. Mutharaiyar 44. Mudiraj Pillai 45. Mudiraj Bunts Shetty 46. Mudiraj tuluva bunts.

Pallava Dynasty.

Muthiriyars ( Mutharayars = Mudiraj ) are termed to be a set of people having resemblence with pallavas. One section of the Palli or Pallava tribe, called the Muttarasar ( Telugu Muttaracha ) ruled in the Chola country, first as feudatories of Pallavas and then of the Pandya kings, during the eigth century A.D. According to some historians, Mutharayars are the descendants of Pallavas. Palli, Ambalakaran, Muttiriyan and Nattaman belong to one group of people belonging to Muthuraja community.

Alternate people names of Agamudaiyan are Agambadia, Ambalakaram, Maruar, Marumaravar, Mudaliyar, Muppan,Mutracha, Muttiryan, Nattaman, Parkavakulam, Pillaimar, Sanagara, Sekkan, Servaikaran, Udaiyan, and Valaiyan.

It was during this period that Naladyar was composed under the auspices of Muttarasa governers. They are still to be found in the North Arcot district under the name of Talaiyaris, and many poligars of Chittor and other minor rulers of this class. Of such tributaries were the kings of Tanjore, who ruled in the 8th century with vallam, near tanjore, as their capital. Talari / Talaiyari is a surname of Mudiraj and also that of valmikis. We already know that Valmikis are a subsect of Mudiraja / Muthuraja community and Mutharayars are the descendants of Kalabhras.

The ancient Chola kingdom once famous in Tamil literature and in the writings of Greek merchants and geographers faded in to darkness after c 300 C.E. The Tamil country was invaded by a non-Tamil people from the north and north-west. These people – known as Kalabhras – are a mystery to historians. Their origin is unknown. It has been speculated that they were adherers to Jainism and later to Buddhism. Kalabhras subjugated the Tamil country after defeating the ancient Chola, Chera and Pandya kings. There is scant evidence either from literature or from archaeology regarding these people.

The Kalabhras ruled over the entire Ancient Tamil country between the 3rd and the 6th century C.E. in an era of South Indian history called the Kalabhra interregnum. The Kalabhras displaced the kingdoms of the early Cholas, early Pandayan and Chera dynasties.

The Pallava were a Southern Indian dravidian Tamil dynasty who established their capital at Kanchipuram in early the 4th century CE. The Pallavas dominated the northern parts of Tamil region until the end of the 9th century for about six hundred years. The origins of the Pallava still remains a mystery. A number of hypotheses and views have been proposed on the origin and ethnicity of the Pallavas.

Pallavas rose in power during the reign of Mahendravarman I (571 – 630 CE) and Narasimhavarman I (630 – 668 CE) and dominated the Telugu and northern parts of the Tamil region for about six hundred years until the end of the 9th century. The Pallava dynasty ruled northern Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh with their capital at Kanchipuram.

The origin of Pallavas is a subject of speculation. They were perhaps the descendents of the Saka-Pahlava-Kambhoja warriors from Northwest India. They have settled in the Guntur region of Andhra Pradesh. This area is still referred to as Palnadu or Pallava Nadu. Initially, they were the vassals of Satavahana kings. Pallavas gained prominence after the eclipse of Satavahanas. As they grew more powerful, a branch of Pallavas had migrated to the Tamil country and established one of the most cherished kingdoms in Tamil history. Their capital was Kanchi, close to the border between Tamil and Telugu lands.

Pallavas seems to be a section of Thondamans to whom the Kalabras also belong. It seems that Pallavas established their independent dynasty slightly before Kalabhras attacked all the established dynadties - Chola, Chera, Pandya and also Pallava. The Pallava invasion of Cholas country might have prompted Kalabras to undertake their invasion of the entire South India

The Pahladpur inscription (located in Pahladpur village in Uttar Pradesh State) which is datable to first few centuries of our era , is believed to be a record of the Pallavas in the north and they speak Tenugu. This depends upon correct reading of the term "Parthivanikapalah" figuring in the said inscription. This expression has been translated as "the protector of the Parthavas army". It has been pointed out that term Parthava here is equivalent to Sanskrit Pahlava. Though the term Pahlava indicates the name of a tribe and Pallava that of a ruling family, it has been pointed out that a tribal name Pahlava could easily turn itself into Dynasty name Pallava.

Pallavas were Telugu speaking people.
Palnadu is the northern region of Guntur District in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Also known as Pallava Nadu, it occupies an important place in Telugu history. This indicates that Pallavas were originally Telugu warrior people. The war of Palnadu was primarily a war of various Kalchuri faction from Andhra and Maharastra, who were matrimonially aliened.

Pallavas could be a branch / variants of Kalabhras.
We know that historians are of the opinion that Mutharayars ( Mudiraj) are the descendants of Kalabhras who were in turn are believed to be the descendants of Kalchuris or a variants of Kalchuris. We laso know that one section of the Palli or Pallava tribe was called the Muttarasar ( Telugu Muttaracha ). Along with Chola, Chera and Pandyan dymasties, the Pallava dynasty was also engulfed by Kalabhras, the ancestors of Mutharayars. This leads us to speculate that a section of Kalabhras who later came to be known as Mutharayars might have merged with Pallavas for political reasons.

Kalabhras are believed to basically belong to Vengadam ( Thirupathi). The father of Padmavati and the father-in-law of Balaji is said to be a Tondaman Raja. The Pallava kings at numerous places are termed as Tondamans or Tondaiyarkon. The word Tondan in Tamil means slave, servant, adherent or assistant and can either be suggestive of the subordinate position the Pallavas bore to the Satavahanas or reflect a dominant position pallavas enjoyed at the time of satvahanas. On disintegration of the Satvahana authority, the Pallavas avowed themselves and invaded a large part of Chola province but the soubriquet Tondon stayed and their region also came to be known as Tondamandlam. The word Pallava is a translation of Tamil word Tondaiyar and Tondaman and this discovers corroboration in various copper plate charters that bring in `tender twigs` (pallavams) of some kind in association with the eponymous name Pallava`.

Pallava Aparajita was the grandson of Ganga Muttarasa kings from their daughter Vijaya, who married Pallava Kampavarman. The Pallava copper plate ( earlier than 900 A.D) found at the Village Velanjeri near Thiruttani on the top of Thiruttani hill by the Pallava ruler Aparajitavarman who is portrayed as a great devotee of Lord Subrahmanya. The present Velanjeri copper plate mentions that Aparajita was the son of Pallava ruler Kampavarman through a Ganga Princess whose name is given as Vijaya. This passage further shows that Kampavarman and his son Aparajita had the able support of the Ganga chieftains.

After the decline of the Satavahana dynasty, the Pallavas became independent in Krishna river valley. The region is known as Palnadu in memory of ancient Pallavas. The war of Palnadu in the 12th century is marked in legend and literature as 'Andhra Kurukshetra War'. The war of Palnadu weakened the power of Vengi Chalukyas and paved way for the emergence of Kakatiyas as a great Telugu dynasty.

Mutharayars inspite of their political rivalry mixed very well with Cholas, Pandyas and also Pallavas through matrimonial alliances. Thus we can come across Mutharayar clans such as Chola Mutharayars, Pandya Mutharayars and also Pallava Mutharayars.

Kokolu Anka Rao
Nagpur, Maharastra, India.